Lot Size Calculator
Blazingly Fast Amazingly Accurate
Lot Size Calculation Each and Every Time
Imagine you have that perfect trade entry setup and raring to go when you reach that mundane but all important step of Lot Size calculation. How many times have you been frustrated with inaccurate Lot Size calculation that causes overexposure to unnecessary market risk?
Your Forex risk comes in 2 ways when you are dealing with Lot Size calculation:
- spend unnecessary time performing manual lot size calculation
- using outdated currency quotes for your lot size calculation
As Forex trading is time sensitive, every minute of the forex market counts (market prices move all the time, even more so during times of volatility) including the accuracy and timing of your lot size calculation.
In this process of wasting precious time dealing with mundane work and still not getting proper lot sizing, this combination of inefficiency and inaccuracy can spell a bad trade entry.
Now you can do everything quick and accurate within 3 simple steps:
Lot Size Cal, an iOS app that does Lot Sizing blazingly fast and amazingly accurate.
What makes Lot Size Cal an awesome companion tool app for your trade?
1) Simple Scrolling and Input Selection
– Major currencies selection and digit input
2) Clean Interface
– Sections and figures are clearly marked so that you know what matters most for lot size calculation
3) Live Market Quotes
– Live market quotes are extracted and used at the point of your lot size calculation. No more delayed or inconvenient manual reference to the market currency quotes.
4) Instant Calculation
– Your lot size is calculated instantly so that you can get to the main part of the trade quicker.
5) Its Mobile!
– Nothing can be said more of the convenience in using mobile application to calculate fast and accurate lot size for your trade entry anywhere.
This is the best companion for those who trade on the go using any of the their favourite trading platform application. Get your app today: Click Here to Download Lot Size Calculator – Flag One Pte Ltd
Lot Size Calculation is now a Breeze Using iOS Lot Size Cal App
Click on the App Icon to Download Now
For those who do not own any iOS device, and yet wishes to have the convenience of lot size calculation, do not fret.
You can also take advantage of the alternative solutions we have for you:
1) Desktop version Webapp url link is this :
You can bookmark this webapp page for future use.

Bookmark this webapp page for future use
2) Any smart devices (smartphones and tablets) other than iOS devices.
Access the same url from the mobile web browser.
For this example, we will show you how you can get to use the webapp version on Andriod,
click to zoom into the picture:
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